Orange Public School

Deeds Not Words

Telephone02 6362 6369


Orange Public School P&C is a school based organisation consisting of parents, teachers and citizens of the Orange Public School broader community.

The P&C meets on the first Monday of each month. Meetings start at 7pm in the Primary site staff room. Everyone is welcome to attend.

What does the P&C do?

  • Promote the interest of the school by bringing together parents, students and teaching staff into close cooperation;
  • Assist in providing facilities & equipment for the school as well as promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school;
  • Encourage parent and community participation in the curriculum and other educational issues in schools:
  • Report to the Principal of Minister on materials required by the school and provide advice on subjects related to school facilities, alterations and maintenance;
  • Cooperate and work with teaching staff at public functions associated with the school.


Here are the contact details of our school's Parents & Citizens' Association, as at March 2023.

P & C email address:   

Postal address:  78 Kite Street, Orange NSW 2800

President: Christin Turnbull

Vice President: Belinda Downey & Sophie Durham

Secretary: Dannielle Grossmith

Treasurer: Katrina Hutchinson

Fundraising: TBA

Funding Grants Program: Alison Farrar

Clothing Pool: Meagan Fitzgerald

Canteen:  Ph: 6361 7553

OPS Netball:

Open Gardens:

We would love to hear from you! Email us at