Orange Public School

Deeds Not Words

Telephone02 6362 6369


The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. 

By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.

The syllabus consists of the following strands:

  • number and algebra
  • measurement and geometry
  • statistics and probability.


At Orange Public School we offer Mathletics to our students to use at school and at home.

Mathletics is a web-based learning program which intergrates home and school learning via the internet. Mathletics covers all years of schooling and is currently used in over 3900 Australian schools. Over 200,000 students access Mathletics every day. Your child has 24 hour access to Mathletics by using a unique user name and password. We recommend that you spend time looking at the program so that you can gain the greatest understanding of how Mathletics will benefit your child.


Benefits of Mathletics:

  • Live Mathletics - students compete live against students from around the world in mental arithmetic
  • Full K-12 curriculum coverage - revise for exams, cover gaps in learning, extend bright students
  • Support Centre - step by step animated support for every maths concept
  • 24/7 access - learn anytime, anywhere
  • Parent reports - comprehensive reports for parents every 7 days by email


Please find attached the Mathletics Family Guide

Mathletics Family Guide